Culture Education Knowledge Leadership Stories Work Worldly Wisdom

What is Your Version of Heaven?

If *you* could imagine your heaven, how would you make it?

What is the ‘ideal outcome’ of our Great Work?

If you could shape the world, how would that go?

This post is related to “The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom“, a course on the integration of better learning, better planning, and better work, into creativeness.

Creativity Innovation Learning Prometheus Shot Science Systems Tech Technology Trends Work

Who Invents – Watt: Innovation, Steam Engines, & Industrial Revolutions

[The Prometheus Shot – E004 :: Who Invents – Watt: Innovation, Steam Engines, and Industrial Revolutions ]

This post is part of the Prometheus Shot series.

Art Brands Consumer Behavior Creativity Cultural Products Culture Innovation Leadership Marketing Prometheus Shot Psychology Stories Tech Technology Trends

Apple Crushed : Advertising , Brands , and Greatness

[The Prometheus Shot – E003 :: Apple Crushed : Advertising, Brands, and Greatness ]

This post is part of the Prometheus Shot series.