Art Brands Consumer Behavior Creativity Cultural Products Culture Innovation Leadership Marketing Prometheus Shot Psychology Stories Tech Technology Trends

Apple Crushed : Advertising , Brands , and Greatness

[The Prometheus Shot – E003 :: Apple Crushed : Advertising, Brands, and Greatness ]

This post is part of the Prometheus Shot series.

Approximate Thinking Books Brands Consumer Behavior Creativity Culture Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Marketing Science Thinking Work

Fox or Hedgehog? The Power (Weakness?) Of Focus

“A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one grand thing.” ( Archilochus)…

So it better (wiser) to focus and limit the scope of your work or should you try to diversify ?

Approximate Thinking Approximation Art Books Consumer Behavior Creativity Cultural and Creative Industries Cultural Products Cultural Resources Innovation Marketing Stories Systems Trends

“Love the Refugees” : Why the Token Representative in Business and Culture works – a Market and Consumer Behavior Perspective

This post is about the power of the ‘token representative’. The image of the refugee of today, is replacing that of the mobster of yesterday. It is always easier (and more emotionally satisfying) to use ‘approximate thinking’ and remember a simplified story. Interestingly, this is flowing from cultural products like Film to other areas, including business and entrepreneurship…

Art Consumer Behavior Creativity Cultural Products Cultural Resources Culture Leadership Stories TV Series

Vikings: Culture, Creativity, Meanings, and reframing the past…

So, how can Thor, Odin, and the rest have been results of pillaging, rape, and raids? This post has some comments on Vikings (the series), culture, creativity, audiences, and cultural resources…

Well… the above sentence is highly reductionist, but there is some truth to it. While watching this captivating (mostly) series (Vikings), I frequently thought about culture and its components. I also thought about mobilizing the past (with some creativity and slight of hand) to support statements in contemporary public life.

Here are some of these thoughts, along with a few quotes from the show I really liked (hated).

Approximate Thinking Approximation Brands Consumer Behavior Cultural Products Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Leadership Marketing Measurement Passion Stories Work

WeWork Lessons : Excess & Market Behavior under extreme hope and fuzziness

The documentary : “WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn” is entertaining (if you don’t get angry easily), and contains an amazing exploration of the behavior of markets, consumers, and leaders. There are many hilarious moments too!

This documentary illustrates the dangers of excess, “hopium”, and building great castles on foundations of ‘fluff’. The top WeWork lessons explored in this article include excess, fuzziness, consumer (and investor) behavior, and spectacles.

Approximation Brands Consumer Behavior Cultural and Creative Industries Cultural Products Cultural Resources Culture Innovation Leadership Marketing Measurement Stories Systems

Country Brands [Or Place Brands]: An underutilized Cultural Resource

Country Brands can be a useful socio-economic resource. They are hard to ‘control’, but certain aspects of them can be understood and used to support markets and innovation.

Consumer Behavior Creativity Innovation Knowledge Marketing Measurement Science Systems

January Bits

Quotes, Links, Memes, and Readings from January 2022.

Topics include social media, consumer behavior, innovation, markets, trends, and education.

Analytics Brands Consumer Behavior Innovation Production Systems

Shein! Fast Fashion, Technology, and Innovation Lessons

Shein is now a very valuable fashion company! It has recorded 7 years of 100%+ sales growth, and is now large-enough to be compared to Zara & H&M (with much faster growth). It might not survive (this will depend on their brand evolution), but it is an interesting story.

Shein is a phenomenal growth story. Its (ultra-fast) growth reiterates important lessons on innovation. It also stresses the evolution of new business models and processes.

Art Books Brands Consumer Behavior Creativity Education Innovation Knowledge Marketing Science Stories

December Bits & Tweets

Readings, comments, links, and Quotes from the month of December.

Topics include personal growth, social media, brands, consumer behavior, and Innovation.

Approximation Consumer Behavior Creativity Knowledge Measurement Research Science

The Still Head of the Staring Psychopath: On Click-y Headlines, Bad Science, and Approximations

I got a notification with a link to an article, and I was naturally inclined to check it out: https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/psychopathic-stare

How couldn’t I?

Breaking and important news… The headline itself is amazing :

Psychopaths don’t move their heads when talking

A new study found that people who scored high in certain psychopathic traits are more likely to limit head movements.

A ‘Psychopath’ staring (?) without moving his head