Culture Education Knowledge Leadership Stories Work Worldly Wisdom

What is Your Version of Heaven?

If *you* could imagine your heaven, how would you make it?

What is the ‘ideal outcome’ of our Great Work?

If you could shape the world, how would that go?

This post is related to “The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom“, a course on the integration of better learning, better planning, and better work, into creativeness.

Creativity Education Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Leadership Learning Passion Production Psychology Thinking Wisdom Work Worldly Wisdom

What is your “Great Work”?

Or… Is your current work Great? (Check the questionnaire)

Are you doing what you should be doing? Does it make sense that all of us should be working on Great things? How can we find out?

The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom is – in a sense – a guide that aims to help the learner find and pursue their own “Great Work”.

In management, as should be the case in life, we frequently think about the most that can be achieved given the limited resources available to us (Optimization).

So the question is : What is our great work? How can we find it?

Creativity Incompleteness Knowledge Leadership Thinking Wisdom Work Worldly Wisdom

To Know or To Do : Timing & Awareness-Intent-Creativeness (AIC)

When do you ‘do’? When do you ‘know’ enough?

Knowledge or Action?

The Awareness-Intent-Creativeness triple spiral is the central framework of The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom (TAWW). It is an attempt to simplify our understanding of work and our aspiration for creativeness.

To Know or To Do… That is the (real) Question!

The below are reflections on Knowledge vs Action, inspired by discussions in The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom.

Approximate Thinking Creativity Education Fuzzy Thinking Innovation Knowledge Learning Science Systems Thinking Wisdom

Why Schools (Universities) Kill Creativity

Do schools and universities really kill creativity?

Misaligned incentives, approximate thinking, and conflicting goals, can explain why the education system is perceived to be a creativity killer.

Approximate Thinking Books Creativity Culture Education Incompleteness Knowledge Leadership Learning Psychology Systems Thinking Wisdom Worldly Wisdom

Wisdom (1) : The Greatest Ideas & Lessons… of History / The World

How much can we ‘compress’ wisdom? Are there general lessons that we can infer from history? from the intersections between different thinkers from around the world? Is there such a thing as ‘the greatest ideas of all time?

This post compiles ideas from 4 key books to reflect on history, philosophy, Wisdom and the applicability to our work and every day life.

Approximate Thinking Books Creativity Education Knowledge Leadership Learning Psychology Thinking Wisdom Worldly Wisdom

Book, blog, or Podcast: Should I even read books?

Book, Blog, or Podcast – Which should a wise person chose?

Before SBF decided to magically evaporate the money of FTX depositors, he was on a quest to impress investors. This quest included his wisdom on books… and why we don’t need them. This, however, is not unique. Many are jumping into this argument..

The differences between reading books, blog posts, or listening to podcasts should be clear to interested in using these media to gain knowledge and develop their skills.