I wrote a blog post about a few interesting books, including one titled “How the World Thinks”. A reader objected, saying that thinking is done by people… So, does ‘the World’ think?

I wrote a blog post about a few interesting books, including one titled “How the World Thinks”. A reader objected, saying that thinking is done by people… So, does ‘the World’ think?
How much do your genetics and your (cultural/social) background control your destiny?
The answer is ‘A lot!’… but things aren’t hopeless..
What should I read?
With the millions of books out there, seekers of knowledge (and wisdom) will – expectedly – ask the question.. Where should I start?
The answers are usually disappointing. Why should you care about someone’s recommended readings list, after all?
Here’s an attempt to tackle this.
There is a lot of effort trying to understand and wisdom… What if – in the spirit of ‘via negativa’ – we tried to understand intelligence and wisdom, by reflecting on stupidity??
The ‘broadest pattern in history’ is a pattern of diffusion of innovation (cultural and technological innovation). The outcomes of the flow of innovation in culture, political and economic organization, and technology, are what caused – eventually – a giant rift between the ‘old world’ and the new one, and between different political entities.
A discussion based on the book by J. Diamond (Link below).
Can you ‘hack’ knowledge and happiness ??
In a sense, it is OK to do dumb things… If you do them quickly enough.
Random Wise Influencer
Have you tried a ‘happiness’ burger before?
I recently saw a post (apparently was going viral) titled : “How to Hack Happiness”. A guide in the form of a thread of tweets offered the final solution to humanity’s quests over thousands of years.
How does learning (the acquisition of knowledge and skills) happen? What are the models for the learning stages? There are many theories, but theorists seem to agree that four is a good number… and a circle is a good shape.
The models presented here consider conscious effort, competence level, abstract vs experiential learning, and contemplation/reflection on progress.