Creativity Innovation Learning Prometheus Shot Science Systems Tech Technology Trends Work

Who Invents – Watt: Innovation, Steam Engines, & Industrial Revolutions

[The Prometheus Shot – E004 :: Who Invents – Watt: Innovation, Steam Engines, and Industrial Revolutions ]

This post is part of the Prometheus Shot series.

Art Brands Consumer Behavior Creativity Cultural Products Culture Innovation Leadership Marketing Prometheus Shot Psychology Stories Tech Technology Trends

Apple Crushed : Advertising , Brands , and Greatness

[The Prometheus Shot – E003 :: Apple Crushed : Advertising, Brands, and Greatness ]

This post is part of the Prometheus Shot series.

Creativity Education Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Leadership Learning Passion Production Psychology Thinking Wisdom Work Worldly Wisdom

What is your “Great Work”?

Or… Is your current work Great? (Check the questionnaire)

Are you doing what you should be doing? Does it make sense that all of us should be working on Great things? How can we find out?

The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom is – in a sense – a guide that aims to help the learner find and pursue their own “Great Work”.

In management, as should be the case in life, we frequently think about the most that can be achieved given the limited resources available to us (Optimization).

So the question is : What is our great work? How can we find it?

Approximate Thinking Art Books Creativity Cultural Products Cultural Resources Culture Education Films Fuzzy Thinking Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Learning Psychology Science Stories Tech Technology Thinking Wisdom

On the Virtues of (extreme) Imagination & Creativity : Sci-Fi and Fantasy (can be) Practical !

Extreme Imagination and Creativity (as in Sci-Fi and Fantasy) can be practical. They are useful as inspiration, for education, and even as inputs into scientific and engineering processes.

Here are a few thoughts on that.

Approximate Thinking Creativity Education Fuzzy Thinking Innovation Knowledge Learning Science Systems Thinking Wisdom

Why Schools (Universities) Kill Creativity

Do schools and universities really kill creativity?

Misaligned incentives, approximate thinking, and conflicting goals, can explain why the education system is perceived to be a creativity killer.

Approximate Thinking Approximation Books Culture Fuzzy Thinking Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Leadership Psychology Systems Thinking Work

How Lazy is John Galt? Ayn Rand, Approximate Thinking, Ideology, and Selling Books

Ayn Rand and Approximate Thinking?

Many people complain about the simplistic (and sometimes infantile) nature of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”… Still, the book is only less successful (in terms of distribution) than the bible. What explains this? I argue that it is the conflation of identities and political ideologies with ideas and thought.

Ultimately, laziness and approximate thinking are what made John Galt great! This is really the secret behind Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”.

Approximate Thinking Culture Innovation Knowledge Production Research Science Systems Technology Trends Wisdom

Guns, Germs, and Steel : A (clearer) perspective on Diffusion (of Innovation) & Progress

The ‘broadest pattern in history’ is a pattern of diffusion of innovation (cultural and technological innovation). The outcomes of the flow of innovation in culture, political and economic organization, and technology, are what caused – eventually – a giant rift between the ‘old world’ and the new one, and between different political entities.

A discussion based on the book by J. Diamond (Link below).

Jared Diamond : The Author of Guns Germs and Steel
Jared Diamond : The Author of Guns Germs and Steel
Approximate Thinking Creativity Fuzzy Thinking Innovation Knowledge Thinking

Is Human Creativity Infinite ?

This rant is not a scientific accurate discussion. It is a peek into the nature of creativity and the meaning of infinity. Is human creativity infinite ??

A Trip to Infinity : Is Human Creativity Infinite ?
A Trip to Infinity : Is Human Creativity Infinite ?
Approximate Thinking Approximation Education Fuzzy Thinking Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Learning Measurement Research Science Systems Thinking

On Reduction and Approximations : University Rankings and Measuring Education

Ranking universities and higher education institutions is (??) helpful in some respects. It might make it easier for (the perplexed) youth entering into higher education to choose… Moreover, A competitive environment, promoted by university rankings, encourages creativity, innovation, and effort.

Nothing simplified, however, comes for free… “University Rankings” are an extreme Approximation (reduction), and those are dangerous.

Approximate Thinking Approximation Culture Fuzzy Thinking Incompleteness Innovation Knowledge Leadership Measurement Psychology Systems Technology Thinking Work

Is Success the result of Chance, Skill, or Effort? The Fuzzy Thinking behind the anger, values, and politics soup

Why is it that discussions on equal opportunities can easily get derailed into name-calling? What are the causes of success, and why are people so sensitive about them? Fuzzy thinking about work and politics, and an incomplete understanding can cause an unnecessary confusion.